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15 road trip games to keep you and your kids entertained

Planning a road trip with the family?

Turn those long drives into fun adventures instead of stress city and create lasting memories along the way.

It doesn’t have to be all about the endless “are we there yet”s, so why not try some of these games that are sure to make the whole family laugh out loud.

Board games are super handy to keep the kids entertained.

From the classic I Spy to the hilarious Number Plate Game, there’s something for everyone.

  1. Number Plate Game

Spice things up by making up hilarious stories about other drivers based on their number plates—like PL8FUN, Paul Lee, age 8, who loves playing with toy cars!

Compete to spot plates from all Aussie states and territories, or go wild with different colours, funny words, and even international finds. It’s a fun, sneaky way to turn your journey into an epic geography lesson on wheels.

  1. I Spy

I Spy is the ultimate boredom buster for road trips! This classic game never gets old – no matter how old you are.

One person picks something they see, says, “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with [first letter],” and everyone else has to guess what it is. It’s a hilarious way to keep everyone on their toes, turning the scenery into a treasure hunt full of surprises and giggles!

  1. 20 Questions

20 Questions turns your ride into a detective adventure. One person thinks of something, and the others get 20 chances to ask yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is.

It’s a hilarious brain workout that keeps everyone guessing, laughing, and sometimes even stumped by the simplest things.

  1. Travel Bingo

Put a fun spin on classic bingo with an Aussie road trip twist! Create or buy bingo cards filled with sights like kangaroos, campsites, and unique rock formations. As you journey in your family campervan, everyone will be excitedly watching the scenery, ready to yell, “Bingo!” the moment they spot something on their card.

  1. The Alphabet Game

Turn your road trip into an A-to-Z adventure! Spot letters on signs, licence plates and billboards in alphabetical order—first to Z wins! It’s a fun and frantic race to see who can find the whole alphabet first.

  1. Countries/Animals/Names:

Take turns naming a country, animal or name starting with each letter of the alphabet to transform your road trip into a globe-trotting safari.

It’s a hilarious challenge that tests your brain and keeps everyone entertained with unexpected answers.

  1. Rules of the Road

One at a time, kids can make a “rule” that everyone must abide by. The last person to follow each rule gets a point and the player with the fewest points wins.

Rules can be as silly as you like – think laughing like a kookaburra every time you see a bird, pointing your finger at every sign with your destination on it, holding your breath when you pass a cemetery and yelling out “Transformers, more than meets the eye” every time a truck overtakes.

These fun car games will keep the whole family laughing. PHOTO: Canva
  1. How Far From Here

Turn your trip into a guessing game. Challenge your kids to make an estimate of the distance from one place to another and everyone guesses how far it is in kilometres.

You can pick things like how long it is to reach a certain destination or even a popular landmark, the next town or a road sign.

Use your odometer to know who made the closest to accurate guess.

  1. Sound of Silence

Craving some peace and quiet for just a little while? Well, this one is the ultimate quiet challenge.

See who can stay silent the longest while everyone else tries to make them laugh or talk. It’s a hilarious and sometimes surprisingly peaceful way to pass the time.

  1. What Is It

This game is perfect for younger kids. An adult or older child groups together clues to help the younger ones guess a specific item or concept.

For example, if the theme is “What colour is it?” they might list egg yolk, the sun, and sunflowers for the child to guess “yellow.” For an animal, they might say it’s a bird, lays eggs, and has feathers to guess “hen.”

Customise the clues based on the child’s age and interests to keep it fun and engaging!

  1. Spelling Bee Car Champions

Get ready for spelling showdowns! Have a judge (rotate each round) look up words, then take turns spelling them out loud.

Whoever spells the most words right wins that round.

It’s a fierce, fun competition best played in three rounds—no trophy needed, just the pride of being the ultimate road trip spelling champ.

Warning: this game can get competitive.

  1. Guess the Song Title

Here’s the deal: one player belts out a snippet of a song, and everyone else tries to nail the title. If you guess right, you’re up next to show off your singing chops!

Amp up the challenge by sticking to specific genres each round—perfect for families who know their tunes and love a bit of friendly competition!

You can even turn it into a karaoke session if you’re feeling adventurous.

  1. Memory

Start with one word, then each player adds a new word while repeating all the previous ones in order.

Keep the chain going as long as you can without slipping up—it’s a test of focus and memory that’ll have everyone on the edge of their seats.

  1. Travel trivia

Challenge each other with mind-boggling facts about famous landmarks, quirky local customs, and the weirdest roadside attractions you can imagine.

It’s like a crash course in geography and history, sprinkled with fun tidbits that’ll make your journey as enlightening as it is entertaining.

  1. Story Chain

Start with a wild idea and take turns adding sentences or paragraphs to craft an epic tale.

Let each person’s creativity shine as you build characters, plot twists, and fantastical settings.